Petition Relating to Permanent Government for the Island of Guam
On December 17, 1901, the CHamoru, or the Indigenous people of the Mariana Islands, including Guam; petitioned Congress for the right to create a representational government that would replace the oversight of the U.S. Navy. The petition expresses allegiance to the United States but argues that naval rule was highly flawed.
The petition requests the formation of a commission to study the needs of Guam’s people to establish institutions molded “to the American standard.” The U.S. Congress, nonetheless, disregarded the petition. Seven more petitions were submitted—in 1917, 1925, 1933, 1936, 1947, 1949, and 1950. It was not until August 1, 1950, when President Truman signed the Organic Act of Guam, that civilian government replaced naval oversight.